
What is Annual Confirmation
Every year you need to confirm that the information that Companies House has about your company is correct and up-to-date. This confirmation is called a statement confirmation (Form CS01), previously known as annual return.
You have to confirm your company’s following details:
The details of your registered office, and all the address where you keep your company’s records.
The details about your company directors and secretary.
Your statement of capital and shareholder (depending upon the company type).
Your SIC code.
Your register of PSC.
You can send the Annual Confirmation both by online and by post. Usually you get an email or a letter from Companies House to your company’s registered address when your confirmation statement is due. You can send it up to 14 days (the latest) after the due date. Failing to comply with this requirement can cause you up to £5,000 as fine and your company can also be struck off.
How to Get the Annual Confirmation Statement
Completing the confirmation statement can be a difficult and technical task, especially if you have no experience of collecting the company data. Similarly, there are specific conditions issued by Companies House that must be met in the process of preparing and submitting the annual confirmation. Therefore such reports should be prepared only by qualified accountants.
Pro Tax Accountants have a team of qualified accountants to take up the job of preparing your annual confirmation statement. All you have to do is to prepare or online quotation request form. So go ahead, contact us with your requirement, ad you will get the most professional service you expect.
The Importance of Annual Confirmation
The main purpose of annual confirmation of accounts is to ensure that business owners maintain correct company records with the Companies House. This annual confirmation is required both from limited companies as well as from limited liability partnerships. You can also file a confirmation statement before its due date, if there have been any changes to in your company details, you wish to report to Companies House. The Confirmation Statement in the UK is mandatory when applying for a mortgage or company loan.
Mainly company directors are responsible for completing and submitting the required annual confirmation statement to Companies House, in UK. While the directors are legally responsible for the competing of the confirmation statement, the company secretary completes and presents it to the director(s) for review and signing.
In the UK, it is a criminal offence if you simply fail to submit a confirmation statement the Companies House in time. This means that your company could be prosecuted and the director / directors could be held personally responsible for this and could be removed from the office. In certain cases, your company could also be struck off the register.
Annual Confirmation
The Importance