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What to Consider When Choosing a Tax Accountant in the UK?

Writer: PTAPTA

Once you've decided it's time to hire a tax accountant in the UK, the next step is deciding which accountant to hire. It's important to take the time to do this carefully and there are a few things to think about first. You need to think about things like the accountant's position, how the workload will be distributed, and what kind of accounting software you'll use. Think about how much you will have to pay the accountant and if he can help you reduce your corporate income tax or not.

The best thing for your business is a person with knowledge and experience who takes care of one of the most important aspects of your business: your finances. The right person will save you time and money year after year. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a tax accountant in the UK.

What to Consider When Choosing a Tax Accountant in the UK?

Find out Soon about Your Options

Consider choosing an accountant before you start your business, or as soon as possible, as they can advise you on start-up costs and filing with the IRS. They can also start a business on your behalf, register you for Corporation Tax, and VAT, and create your payrolls if you wish.

Certified or Chartered

You need to decide if your company needs a Chartered or Certified Public Accountant. You should also consider the amount of work your accountant will be doing, as well as the needs of your business and position. chartered and Certified Public Accountants are graduates with extensive work experience. The only difference is that chattered accountants can operate internationally thanks to their ACCA status. This can be even more helpful if you need an international accountant. Plus, it gives you peace of mind knowing your accountant is audited by a reputable professional body.

Find a Tax Accountant with Relevant Experience

You need someone who has experience preparing tax returns and financial documents for businesses similar in size and revenue to yours. If your business uses cloud-based software for most of its operations, you probably need someone with cloud computing experience. It's even better if they've worked with companies in similar market sectors to yours, as it will help them understand your specific business needs. You may want to check if they have any great clients. If so, that's a good sign because you know they should be able to meet your growing needs over time. You can also ask them for a list of clients outlining gross sales and the number of employees per company. Find out how their clients have grown and developed over the years to understand their ability to meet the needs of their evolving business.

Contact a Small Limited Specialist

Make sure your accountant has experience with other small businesses, especially other businesses in your industry. For example, if you're an entrepreneur or self-employed, it's usually best to speak to a specialist accountant rather than a "general" company, as there are specific tax laws you need to be aware of, such as IR35.

Choosing a Tax Accountant in the UK

Think of Several Candidates

Before choosing a tax accountant in the UK, you should interview several candidates. Interviews provide information about an accountant's qualifications and background. Then compare that to their prices and expected workload. After interviewing a good selection of candidates, compare their work experiences and qualifications and compare them to your company's needs. Does your business need the most qualified person for the job available to manage your finances, or can you cut costs with a less experienced candidate? At the same time, the idea is to have someone who is more helpful in proactively checking and saving money. Therefore, your choice should be the one that offers the company the highest net profit.

Talk to Authorities and Professional Associations

Small businesses are at the heart of the economies of many countries. That is why governments want to boost their growth. As a small business owner, you can take advantage of available networks of business advisors to help you make decisions such as choosing the right trustee. There are also often local voluntary organizations and chambers of commerce that will be happy to advise you. Use them because they are there to help you and their advice is usually free. They can also be useful places to network and talk with other entrepreneurs. Do this several times and you will find that other business owners recommend you to an accountant. At a minimum, it can help narrow down the list of potential interviewers.

How Much Does Your Accountant Charge?

See how much your accountant costs. Is this an annual or monthly cost? Is there entry or exit fees? How much is charged for overtime, if it is not part of the agreed work for your company? Will you charge a "collection fee" if you change meters before the end of the year?

Use Your Links Online

While Facebook might not be the best place to post a listener testimonial request (although it's not the worst), a more business-oriented network can help. LinkedIn is one of the largest in the world, and if you already have a profile there, you can use it to find accountants recommended by other people.

What Services Are Included?

There are a number of important tasks that all CPAs need to carry out (eg preparing payroll, preparing your company's financial statements if you run a business, administering VAT, administering HMRC, etc.). Will you also complete self-assessment statements (important for individual ownership, but if you're a driver it's a personal expense), and provide certificates for mortgage/lease purposes? Do you offer IFA services?

How to Choose a Tax Accountant in the UK?


In our experience, the biggest problems we've had with accountants in the past have been misunderstandings. Failure to return documents to the authorities on time can result in a fine for your business, and the days of waiting for a tax question to be answered can also be very frustrating.

Talk to Different Accounting Firms

When choosing a tax accountant in the UK, always check with multiple companies. You should already have an idea of ​​how to become a customer the first time you work at a company. It is important that you feel that you can build a good relationship so that your intuition is your best guide at this stage. Ask to meet each auditor and discuss your need needs before applying.


Does your tax accountant in the UK work with major online accounting packages like Xero, Sage, and Free Agent? This type of software has fundamentally changed the lives of accountants and their clients. Keeping your accounts up to date and seeing the status of your payments and tax obligations has never been easier. If an accountant has not yet adopted cloud software, it is best to avoid it. Ironically, thanks to clouding accounting software, switching accounts has never been easier.


Choosing the right tax accountant depends upon many factors, like experience, qualification, types of services offered, fees, etc. You should consider all these factors (as mentioned above) and then make a decision. Obviously, you can only be sure about the level of service from any tax accounting company, when you have actually used it.

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