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Understanding Post Clearance: C18 HMRC, C2001CDS, C1700

Writer: PTAPTA

Updated: Jun 8, 2024

What is a C18 HMRC?

The C18 Post Clearance Demand Note is a document issued by the UK's HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to recover additional revenues that are found to be due after the processing of an import declaration. This document is essentially a bill for the extra duty or VAT that wasn't initially accounted for. The C18 is issued centrally by the C18 Team located at Dorchester House, Belfast, at the request of the officer identifying the debt.

The HMRC C18 Notice, a crucial document for UK taxpayers, particularly businesses and importers, acts as a demand note for any customs duties, excise duties, or import VAT found to be underpaid following a customs clearance. This form is part of a broader set of regulations designed to ensure proper tax and duty collection on goods entering the UK, safeguarding the economic interests of the country.

Understanding C18 HMRC, C2001CDS, C1700

Role and Importance of C18 Notices

The C18 Notice serves as a formal notification from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) alerting businesses or individuals about discrepancies in the payments owed versus what was declared at the time of import. The notice specifies how much more the debtor owes, facilitating HMRC in recovering the correct amount of taxes and duties.

Triggering a C18 Notice

A C18 Notice is typically issued following a post-clearance audit or an amendment request filed by the importer. For instance, if an importer or their agent realises that they have underpaid duties or taxes due to an error in the customs declaration, they can voluntarily disclose this by using forms such as the C2001 for CHIEF declarations or C2001CDS for Customs Declaration Service (CDS) users. This proactive approach allows the payer to rectify their mistake before HMRC discovers it during an audit, potentially reducing penalties.

Calculation and Reporting of Underpayments

The process of determining underpayments involves a detailed review of the original customs declaration. Importers need to provide specifics like the Entry Processing Unit (EPU) number, entry number, and the original Customs Procedure Code (CPC), among other details​​. The underpaid amount for duties like Customs Duty, excise duty, and import VAT must be clearly outlined and substantiated with accurate calculations. If the review reveals an underpayment, a C18 Notice is generated to collect the due amounts.

Handling Overpayments and Claims

In contrast, if an overpayment is identified, importers have the option to claim refunds using different mechanisms depending on their registration status and the type of declaration system used (CHIEF or CDS)​​. This ensures that businesses or individuals are not penalized financially for errors not of their making and that they can recover excess payments efficiently.

Who is Liable?

The basic rule for duty purposes is that the declarant, the person or entity making the customs declaration, is considered the customs debtor. However, there are situations where more than one person can be liable for the same Customs debt. They are considered to be jointly and severally liable. For example, if a declaration has been made by an indirect representative, both they and the person being represented are liable for any Customs debt.

How is a C18 Issued?

The originating officer completes an electronic C18 request and emails it to the National Post Clearance Centre (NPCC) inbox. The demand for duty should be made of the name and address shown in the customs declaration, not the owner of the Economic Operator Registration Identification (EORI) number, if different.

Types of Liabilities

  • Customs Duty: This is the tax levied on imported and, sometimes, exported goods.

  • VAT (Value Added Tax): This is a consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale.

Joint Liability

In cases where more than one entity is liable for the debt, a C18 is issued to each debtor. Records must clearly cross-refer all the C18s issued for the same debt. Legislation does not provide a priority order for whom to pursue first, so all the C18s should be pursued as far as possible until one of the debtors pays the debt.

Procedures for VAT

When only VAT is involved, C18s must still be issued, regardless of whether VAT-registered traders may be able to reclaim any VAT paid as input tax. The form C18 is still required for this process.

Own Resources Returns

The Finance International Accounting Team notifies the European Commission of all outstanding resources debts and frauds. The information is compiled using a combination of the returns from the C18 Team, Belfast, C18 spreadsheets, and fraud/irregularity cases reporting.

The Procedure for Issuing a C18

Once an import declaration has been customs cleared, it's not possible to amend the declaration through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). If there are underpayments, the importers or their agents should use the form C2001CDS for voluntary disclosure. After receiving this voluntary disclosure, HMRC will issue a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note for the extra duty or VAT due.

Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA)

If you use Postponed VAT Accounting, you should not use the C2001 form. If PVA was used on the original import declaration, the underpaid import VAT must be accounted for on your VAT Return. This service should not be used even if this payment method was selected in error.

Voluntary Disclosure

Importers and agents can use the form C2001CDS to make a voluntary disclosure of underpayments arising from the import of goods. Upon receipt of the voluntary disclosure, HMRC will issue a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note for the extra duty or VAT due.

Resolving and Complying with HMRC C18 Notices

Overview of Compliance with HMRC C18 Notices

When an HMRC C18 Notice is issued, it is paramount for the recipient to understand and comply with the requirements set forth. Non-compliance can lead to further penalties and complicate the customs process. Here, we'll explore the steps required to address and comply with a C18 Notice, including the resolution of disputes and the potential consequences of ignoring these demands.

Steps to Address a C18 Notice

Upon receiving a C18 Notice, the designated debtor, which could be the importer or an agent acting on their behalf, must take immediate action to rectify the underpayment. The notice will detail the amounts owed and provide instructions for payment. If the importer believes the notice was issued in error, they have the right to challenge the decision.

  1. Verification of the Notice: Confirm the details in the C18 Notice, including the amount of duty and VAT claimed by HMRC. This involves reviewing the import documentation and the calculations provided by HMRC to identify any discrepancies​ (GOV.UK)​.

  2. Payment of Duties and Taxes: If the amounts are correct, the debtor should arrange for payment within the timeframe specified in the notice to avoid additional charges, such as interest on the overdue amount​ (GOV.UK)​.

  3. Dispute Resolution: If there are discrepancies, the importer can file a dispute. This requires submitting evidence supporting their claim that the original assessment was incorrect. Detailed documentation and a robust argument are crucial for a successful dispute resolution​ (GOV.UK)​.

Managing Representation and Liability

It is important for importers to understand the distinctions between direct and indirect representation in customs declarations, as these affect liability. If an agent is used, the type of representation must be clearly documented to determine liability in cases of underpayment.

  • Direct Representation: The agent acts in the importer's name, and the importer is solely liable for customs debts.

  • Indirect Representation: The agent and importer are jointly liable for any debts that arise due to customs declarations made by the agent​ (GOV.UK)​.

Preventive Measures and Best Practices

To avoid future issues with C18 Notices, importers should adopt preventive measures and best practices in their customs operations:

  • Accurate Declarations: Ensure all customs declarations are accurate and complete. Regular audits of declarations can help catch errors before they lead to underpayments.

  • Record Keeping: Maintain thorough records of all import transactions and communications with customs officials. This documentation can be invaluable in disputes or audits.

  • Consultation with Experts: Consider consulting customs experts or legal advisors specializing in trade and customs law to ensure compliance with all regulations and to receive guidance on complex cases.

Handling a C18 Notice effectively requires a clear understanding of the processes involved and the responsibilities of all parties. By taking proactive steps and engaging with HMRC transparently and promptly, businesses can resolve issues related to customs duties and VAT efficiently. Compliance not only ensures smoother operations but also protects businesses from potential legal and financial repercussions.

Understanding and adhering to the guidelines set by HMRC for post-clearance amendments is essential for maintaining compliance and ensuring that all duties and taxes are accurately paid. This diligence supports the integrity of the UK’s customs system and upholds the fiscal responsibilities of businesses involved in international trade.

Real-Life Case Study: Handling HMRC C18 Notice for Alexander Hartley

Background Scenario:

Alexander Hartley, a London-based importer of artisanal coffee equipment, inadvertently underreported the value of goods imported from Brazil. Upon realizing the error which affected customs duties and VAT, Alexander received a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note from HMRC, indicating additional amounts owed.

Initial Discovery:

Alexander realized the discrepancy during his annual financial audit when his accountant pointed out inconsistencies between the declared value of the goods and the invoices from suppliers.

Step-by-Step Process of Handling the C18 Notice:

  1. Understanding the C18 Notice: HMRC issued a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note to Alexander, indicating an underpayment in customs duties and VAT due to the undervalued import declaration.

  2. Consultation with a Customs Advisor: Alexander consulted with a customs advisor to understand the specifics of the notice and verify the recalculations. The advisor confirmed the underpayments and explained the potential consequences of non-compliance, including accruing interest charges if the amount was not settled promptly.

  3. Gathering Documentation: To rectify the error, Alexander gathered all relevant shipping documents, invoices, and records of payments. He prepared a detailed report outlining the discrepancies and the correct values that should have been declared.

  4. Submitting a Voluntary Disclosure: Based on his advisor's recommendation, Alexander used form C2001CDS to make a voluntary disclosure to HMRC, detailing the corrected values and the reasons for the initial mistake. This proactive step is crucial to minimize penalties and interest on the underpayments.

  5. Calculating the Correct Duties and VAT: With his accountant's assistance, Alexander recalculated the duties and VAT based on the correct value of the imported goods. The revised figures were significantly higher than initially reported.

  6. Paying the Outstanding Amount: Alexander received a payment slip from HMRC along with the C18 notice. He promptly arranged payment of the outstanding duties and VAT before the deadline to avoid additional interest charges. Interest would have been applied to any debts unpaid more than ten days after the issuance of the C18 notice.

  7. Confirmation from HMRC: After making the payment, Alexander received confirmation from HMRC that the customs debt was settled. This confirmation included a breakdown of the customs duties and VAT paid.

  8. Reviewing Import Procedures: To prevent future discrepancies, Alexander decided to implement more rigorous checks and balances in his import process. He planned regular training for his team on compliance and accurate reporting requirements.

  9. Continued Monitoring: Alexander also scheduled quarterly reviews of all import documents and declarations to ensure ongoing compliance with UK customs regulations.

Real-Life Variations:

In different scenarios, importers like Alexander might face more complex issues, such as multiple inaccuracies across various shipments or discrepancies identified by HMRC before the importer notices them. Each case would require tailored responses, potentially involving more extensive audits and negotiations with HMRC.

This case study of Alexander Hartley underscores the importance of accurate customs declarations and the effectiveness of prompt corrective actions when discrepancies are discovered. It also highlights the structured approach needed to resolve issues related to HMRC's C18 notices efficiently and compliantly.

What is HMRC C2001CDS Form?

Introduction to HMRC C2001CDS Form

The HMRC C2001CDS form is a critical document used within the UK's Customs Declaration Service (CDS) for importers to voluntarily amend underpayments of customs duties, excise duties, and import VAT that were not correctly declared at the time of import. This form is part of the wider framework established by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to ensure accurate duty and tax collection on imported goods, safeguarding fiscal integrity.

Purpose and Usage of the C2001CDS Form

The primary function of the C2001CDS form is to facilitate the amendment of previously submitted customs declarations where the original amounts paid were less than what was actually due. This might occur due to errors in the initial filing, changes in duty rates, or incorrect valuation of goods. The form allows businesses and agents to correct these discrepancies transparently and to comply with legal taxation requirements.

Key Features of the C2001CDS Form

The C2001CDS form is a comprehensive tool for detailing specific information about the underpayments that need rectification. Key elements required on the form include:

  • The original and, if applicable, revised procedure codes.

  • Detailed descriptions of the amendments needed.

  • The amounts of duty and VAT previously paid and the amounts now determined to be owed.

  • Identification details like the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number, and contact information for the importer and their representative.

Required Information for C2001CDS

The C2001CDS form requires specific information for Procedure Codes, including the original and revised Procedure Codes, if changed. It also requires details of the amendment, including the name, address, telephone number, and EORI number of the importer or representative. Additionally, you'll need to include the item number, data element number, and movement reference number (MRN) for the commodity code.

How to Fill and Submit the C2001CDS Form

Navigating the complexities of customs and taxation can be daunting, especially when you realize you've underpaid on your import duties or taxes. That's where the C2001CDS form comes into play. This form is used for making a voluntary disclosure of underpayments related to imports in the UK. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fill out and submit this crucial form.

Getting Started: What You'll Need

Before you start filling out the form, make sure you have all the necessary information and documents at hand. This includes:

  • Importer’s details: Name, Address, Phone number, and EORI number

  • Representative’s/declarant’s details: Name, Address, Phone number, and EORI number

  • Movement Reference Number (MRN)

  • Details of the underpayment: Reason, amount, and supporting documents

Filling Out Importer and Representative Details

  1. Name in Capital Letters: Write the name of the importer and the representative (if applicable) in capital letters.

  2. Address: Provide the address where the C18 form will be sent for payment.

  3. Phone Number: Include a contact number for quick communication.

  4. EORI Number: Enter the Economic Operators Registration and Identification number for both the importer and the representative.

Movement Reference Number and Date

  • MRN: This is the unique number assigned to your customs declaration.

  • Date: Fill in the date in DD MM YYYY format.

Procedure Codes

  • DE 1/10 Procedure Code: Enter the original procedure code.

  • DE 1/11 Additional Procedure Codes: If there are additional codes, separate them with a semi-colon.

  • Revised Procedure Codes: If applicable, enter the revised procedure codes.

Reason for Underpayment

  • Select the Reason: Choose the reason for the underpayment from the given categories. If more than one category applies, select each one. If your reason doesn't fit any category, select ‘Other’.

  • Reason Description: Provide a detailed explanation for the underpayment.

Goods Item Details

In the table provided, you'll need to give details of the goods items that this underpayment relates to. This includes the goods item number, data element (DE) number, and the original or amended value for each data element.

Payment Details

  • Amount Paid and Due: Specify the amount already paid and the amount due to HMRC for Duty, VAT, and any other charges.

Deferment Payment

If you're making a payment by deferment, supply full details. Note that if you don't provide deferment details at this stage, you won't be able to change the method of payment later.

Declaration and Submission

Finally, declare that the information provided is accurate and complete. Sign the form, add your phone number, and date it. You can email the completed form to or post it to BT-NCH, HM Revenue and Customs, BX9 1GZ.

Important Notes

  • Use a black pen if filling out by hand and ensure legibility.

  • Initial all corrections and avoid erasures or overwritten words.

  • Only submit one declaration to avoid duplicate C18s.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When completing the C2001CDS form, common errors can lead to delays or rejections of the application. These include:

  • Incomplete Forms: Failing to provide all required information or missing sections of the form can lead to processing delays.

  • Incorrect Information: Inputting incorrect duty or VAT amounts, EORI numbers, or commodity codes can result in significant issues and potential audits.

  • Lack of Supporting Evidence: Not attaching or improperly referencing supporting documentation can prevent HMRC from verifying the amendment request.

Tips for Effective Management of Post-Clearance Amendments

Managing post-clearance amendments efficiently requires a proactive approach to customs compliance:

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your customs declarations to catch any potential discrepancies before they result in underpayments.

  • Training and Awareness: Ensure that staff involved in customs declarations are trained and aware of the latest customs regulations and procedures. This reduces the risk of errors that could lead to the need for amendments.

  • Use of Technology: Leverage customs software and technology to track declarations and amendments accurately. Many systems offer features that help in maintaining records and ensuring compliance with customs regulations​.

Completing the HMRC C2001CDS form accurately is essential for ensuring compliance with UK customs regulations. By understanding the detailed requirements and common pitfalls associated with this form, businesses can effectively manage their customs obligations and maintain smooth operations. This proactive management not only helps in avoiding penalties but also supports a transparent and compliant trade environment.

What Happens Next

After submission, HMRC aims to process your voluntary declaration within 10 working days. Interest may be due on unpaid debts after 10 days from the date of issue of the C18.

By following these steps carefully, you can ensure a smooth and error-free submission of your C2001CDS form, thereby making the process of voluntary disclosure of underpayments less stressful.

Some Frequently Asked Questions about C18

Q: Can I amend a C18 once it's issued?

A: No, once a C18 is issued, it cannot be amended through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS). However, you can make a voluntary disclosure using form C2001CDS to correct underpayments.

Q: What happens if I've overpaid?

A: If you've overpaid, you can claim a refund using form C285CDS. The time limit for submitting a claim varies depending on the situation.

Q: What is Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA)?

A: PVA is a method where you can postpone the payment of VAT until you file your VAT Return. If you've used PVA, you should not use form C2001CDS for voluntary disclosure of underpayments.

Q: Who is liable for the customs debt?

A: The declarant is generally the customs debtor. However, in some cases, more than one entity can be liable for the debt.

Q: Can I use the C18 for VAT only?

A: Yes, C18s must still be issued even when only VAT is involved. The form is required for this process.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the intricacies of C18 HMRC in the UK is crucial for businesses and individuals involved in importing goods. From knowing who is liable to understanding how to handle overpayments and disputes, being well-informed can save you time, money, and legal complications. Always remember, when in doubt, consult with experts and act promptly to resolve any issues.

Top of Form

Overpayments and How to Claim Them

If you've overpaid, you'll need to use a different form, C285CDS, to claim for a repayment of overpaid VAT. The time limit for submitting a claim for repayment of overpaid duty and VAT varies. It's 3 years for overpayments, 1 year for rejected imports, and 3 months for the invalidation of a customs entry. You'll need various documents like the CDS Movement Reference Number (MRN), a commercial invoice for the imported goods, and a packing list, among others.

Who Can Apply for a Refund?

You can make a claim if you are an importer, a representative of the importer, an agent, a freight forwarder, or even a private individual. If you're a VAT-registered business, you must not use form C285CDS to claim for repayment of overpaid VAT. Instead, you must make the adjustment through your periodic VAT return.

What is C285CDS Form and How to Fill and Submit it

What is C285CDS Form and How to Fill and Submit it?

Navigating the complexities of import duties and VAT can be a daunting task for businesses and individuals alike. One of the essential forms that you may encounter in this process is the C285CDS form. This form is used to apply for the repayment or remission of import duties in the UK. Whether you've overpaid or have other reasons for claiming back your import duties, understanding how to fill out and submit this form correctly is crucial. Let's delve into the details.

The HMRC C1700 form is an essential tool used by businesses and individuals in the United Kingdom to amend import or export license declarations. This form facilitates the correction or updating of details submitted in initial customs declarations, ensuring compliance with current trade regulations and avoiding potential legal issues due to incorrect or outdated information.

Purpose of the C1700 Form

The primary function of the C1700 form is to allow declarants to make necessary amendments to their import or export declarations after they have been submitted to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This capability is crucial for maintaining accurate records and ensuring that all customs and trade activities align with the latest regulatory requirements.

When to Use the C1700 Form

The C1700 form is used in various situations, such as correcting the declared value of goods, changing the quantity or type of goods, or updating personal or business details associated with the declarations. It's particularly important in scenarios where initial declarations were made based on preliminary information that later changed, requiring official updates to avoid discrepancies with HMRC.

Timing is crucial when it comes to applying for repayment or remission. You have three main timeframes to consider:

  1. Within 3 years from the notification of the debt

  2. Within one year from the notification of the debt for defective and non-compliant chargeable goods

  3. Within 3 months from the date the customs entry was accepted

Who Should Apply?

The C285CDS form is designed for those who need to request repayment or remission of import duties. This could be due to overpayment, incorrect calculation, or other valid reasons.

Required Information

Before you start filling out the form, gather all the necessary information. You'll need:

An EORI number

  • Registration subsidiary reference number (if applicable)

  • Movement Reference Number (MRN)

  • Combined Nomenclature code of the goods

  • Commodity code for the amended case (if applicable)

  • Tariff quote serial number (if applicable)

Supporting Evidence

You must provide supporting evidence for your claim. This can include:

  • CDS Declaration and Notification of clearance

  • Substitute entry

  • Original preference certificate

  • VAT disclaimers

  • A commercial invoice (not a pro forma)

  • Airway bill

  • Authority from the importer for the representative to be repaid

Filling Out the Form

Download the Form: The C285CDS form can be downloaded from the HMRC website. Make sure to use an updated browser as older versions may not support the form.

Complete All Sections: Fill in all the required sections. This includes your personal details, business information, and the specifics of the import duties you're claiming.

Add Your Signature: After filling out the form, you'll need to add your legally-binding signature. This can be done by drawing or typing your signature, or by uploading a signature image.

Review and Double-Check: Before submitting, review all the information to ensure it's accurate. Any errors could delay the process or result in a rejected application.


Once the form is complete, you can submit it along with any relevant documents to the address shown on the form. After submission, you'll receive a letter with your National Duty Repayment Centre reference, confirming the receipt of your application. The outcome of your application will usually be communicated within 30 working days.

Important Considerations

When using the C1700 form, it is important to ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete to prevent any delays or issues in processing. If uncertainties or questions arise, HMRC provides resources and contact information for assistance, ensuring that users can seek help directly from the authorities to address their specific needs.

EORI Number Changes and Non-Monetary Amendments

The Post Clearance Amendments (PCA) team within HMRC makes post-clearance VAT/EORI number changes and non-monetary amendments to incorrect information that has been input on an import customs declaration. Any amendments the team does are for audit purposes and do not amend what is displayed on CHIEF/CDS or create new customs declarations.

Required Documents for Amendments

For EORI number amendments, the PCA team will require the correct EORI number, a copy of the original CDS import declaration, and a copy of the commercial paperwork for the entry. For other non-monetary amendments, a signed copy of the original or amended CDS import declaration is required, detailing all changes.

Final Thoughts

Filling out the C285CDS form may seem complicated, but with the right preparation and attention to detail, you can navigate this process smoothly. Always remember to read the guidelines carefully and provide all the required information to increase your chances of a successful application.

Consequences, Dispute Handling, and FAQs

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Ignoring a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note can have serious repercussions. If you do not reply to the C18 within the stipulated time, HMRC will take further action, which may include legal proceedings to recover the debt. Additionally, interest may be due and payable on debts unpaid after 10 days from the date of issue of the C18.

Handling Disputes

If you disagree with the C18 issued, it's crucial to act promptly. You can contact the C18 Team to discuss the matter and provide any evidence that may support your case. If the dispute is not resolved, you may have to go through a formal appeals process. It's advisable to consult with legal experts specializing in customs and tax matters to navigate this complex process.

Debt Management and Banking

If the debt is referred to Debt Management and Banking (DMB), the originating office must give full details of the circumstances of the debt, any information known concerning the debtors' ability to pay, and attach copies of all the associated C18s.

Understanding the C1700 Form and Its Connection to C18

Navigating the labyrinth of import and export regulations in the UK can be a daunting task. One form that often comes up in this context is the C1700 form. This form is used to amend import or export licence declarations. In this article, we'll explore what the C1700 form is, how to fill it out and submit it, and how it's connected to the C18 form.

What is the C1700 Form?

The C1700 form is a document used to amend import or export licence declarations in the UK. If you've made an error in your original import or export declaration, or if there are changes that need to be made, this form is used to correct those details. It's essential to note that you must complete the form in one go, as you cannot save a partly completed form. Therefore, it's advisable to gather all your information before you begin filling it out.

Who Needs to Use It?

The C1700 form is used by importers, exporters, and their representatives. Whether you're a business or an individual involved in importing or exporting goods, you may need to use this form to make amendments to your original declarations.

When to Use the C1700 Form

The form is used when there are errors or changes that need to be made to your original import or export declaration. It's crucial to act promptly to avoid any complications or delays in your import/export process.

How to Fill Out the C1700 Form

Download the Form: The form C1700 can be downloaded from the HMRC website. Make sure your browser is up to date to avoid any compatibility issues.

Complete All Sections: The form has various sections that need to be filled out, including details about the importer/exporter, the goods being imported/exported, and the changes that need to be made.

Supporting Documents: You'll need to send all supporting documents along with the form. This could include invoices, entries from the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system (CHIEF), or Customs Declaration Service (CDS).

Contact Details: If you need help filling out the form, you can contact HMRC by phone or email.

Connection to C18 Form

The C1700 form is closely related to the C18 form. While the C18 form is used for post-clearance amendments and serves as a demand note for underpaid or overpaid duties, the C1700 form is used to make amendments to the original import or export declarations. If you're amending an export licence declaration, you must also complete an online C81 amendment, which is another form closely related to the C18.

C1700 form: Submission Process, Timeline, and FAQs

Submission Process

Once you've filled out the C1700 form and gathered all the necessary supporting documents, you have two main options for submission:

By Post: You can print a copy of the completed form and mail it to the address provided on the form. Make sure to include all supporting documents, such as invoices and entries from the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system (CHIEF) or Customs Declaration Service (CDS).

By Email: Some offices may allow email submissions. In this case, ensure that all documents are scanned clearly and are in an acceptable format, usually PDF.

Timeline for Amendments

The timeline for processing amendments can vary depending on the complexity of the changes and the volume of amendments HMRC is handling at the time. However, it's crucial to make amendments as soon as possible to avoid potential complications, such as additional fees or legal issues.

How to Track Your Amendment

After submitting your C1700 form, you'll typically receive a confirmation from HMRC. This will include a reference number that you can use to track the status of your amendment. If you don't receive a confirmation within a reasonable time, it's advisable to contact HMRC to ensure that your submission has been received and is being processed.


Q: What if I make a mistake on the C1700 form?

A: If you realize you've made an error after submitting the form, you'll need to contact HMRC as soon as possible to correct it. Depending on the nature of the mistake, you may need to submit a new form.

Q: Can I submit multiple amendments on one C1700 form?

A: Generally, each C1700 form is used for a single amendment. If you have multiple amendments, you'll likely need to submit separate forms for each.

Q: How does the C1700 form affect my C18 obligations?

A: If you've received a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note for underpaid or overpaid duties, and you believe the original declaration was incorrect, you may need to submit a C1700 form to amend the original declaration. This could potentially affect the amount due on the C18.

Understanding the C1700 form and its connection to the C18 form is crucial for anyone involved in importing or exporting goods in the UK. From knowing when to use the form to understanding how to fill it out and submit it, being well-informed can save you time, money, and legal complications. Always remember, when in doubt, consult with experts and act promptly to resolve any issues.

How a Tax Accountant Can Help You with Post Clearance in the UK

How a Tax Accountant Can Help You with Post Clearance in the UK

Navigating the Complexities of Post Clearance

Post clearance in the UK involves a series of intricate procedures that come into play after your goods have been imported into the country. This process can include paying any remaining duties, taxes, or fees, as well as making any necessary amendments to your customs declarations. Given the complexity and potential for costly errors, hiring a tax accountant can be a game-changer. Here's how a tax accountant can assist you in navigating the post-clearance landscape.

Expertise in Customs Duties and Taxes

Tax accountants are well-versed in the intricacies of customs duties, VAT, and other taxes that may apply to your imported goods. They can help you understand the different types of duties and taxes you owe, ensuring that you're not overpaying or underpaying. This expertise can be invaluable, especially if you're new to importing goods into the UK.

Assistance with Forms and Documentation

From C18 Post Clearance Demand Notes to C1700 forms for amending import or export declarations, the paperwork involved in post-clearance can be overwhelming. A tax accountant can help you fill out these forms accurately and submit them within the required timelines, reducing the risk of errors that could lead to penalties or delays.

Voluntary Disclosure and Amendments

If you discover that you've underpaid or overpaid duties or taxes, voluntary disclosure is often the best course of action. Tax accountants can guide you through the process of making a voluntary disclosure using forms like C2001CDS for underpayments or C285CDS for overpayments. They can also help you gather the necessary supporting documents and ensure that your case is presented clearly and effectively to HMRC.

Strategic Planning for Duty Savings

Tax accountants can also help you plan strategically to minimize your duty payments. They can advise you on various duty relief schemes, such as Inward Processing Relief or Outward Processing Relief, and help you apply for these schemes if you're eligible. By optimizing your duty payments, you can improve your business's cash flow and competitiveness.

Handling Disputes and Appeals

If you disagree with a C18 Post Clearance Demand Note or any other decision made by HMRC, a tax accountant can help you file an appeal. They can gather evidence, prepare your case, and represent you in discussions with HMRC. Their expertise can be invaluable in resolving disputes in a way that's favorable to you.

Compliance and Record-Keeping

Maintaining accurate records is crucial for post-clearance procedures. A tax accountant can help you set up a robust record-keeping system that meets HMRC's requirements. This can be particularly helpful during audits or inspections, helping you avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Real-time Updates and Ongoing Support

Tax laws and customs regulations are subject to change. A tax accountant can provide you with real-time updates on any changes that may affect your post-clearance procedures. They can also offer ongoing support, helping you adapt to new regulations and ensuring that you remain compliant.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the post-clearance landscape in the UK can be a complex and daunting task, fraught with potential pitfalls. A tax accountant can provide the expertise, strategic planning, and ongoing support you need to navigate these challenges successfully. From filling out forms to strategic planning and dispute resolution, their comprehensive range of services can help you save time, money, and stress in the long run.

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