Understanding tax obligations can be a complex task, especially for non-residents. If you're a non-resident earning income from the UK, it's crucial to understand how the UK tax system works. This guide aims to shed light on the key aspects of UK tax laws that non-residents should be aware of.

Defining Non-Residency
The first step is understanding what constitutes non-residency. The UK uses the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) to determine an individual's tax residency status. If you spend fewer than 183 days in the UK in a tax year, you're generally considered a non-resident for tax purposes.
Tax on UK Income
Non-Resident Tax on UK Earned Income
As a non-resident, you're usually only taxed on the income you earn from UK sources. This can include income from employment or self-employment within the UK, rental income from UK properties, and income from savings and investments in the UK.
Personal Allowance
Non-residents might be entitled to a personal allowance – an amount of income you can earn each year tax-free. However, this depends on your nationality and whether the country you live in has a double taxation agreement with the UK.
Tax on Non-UK Income
Generally, non-residents are not liable to pay UK tax on non-UK income. However, there are exceptions. For example, if you work for the UK government overseas, you may still have to pay tax on your income.
Tax on Property and Investments
Rental Income
If you own property in the UK and rent it out, you're expected to pay tax on your rental income, even as a non-resident. The Non-Resident Landlord Scheme (NRLS) provides a framework for how this tax is collected.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
Non-residents are typically exempt from CGT on UK assets. However, there are exceptions. For instance, non-residents must pay CGT on the sale of UK residential property.
Double Taxation Agreements
The UK has double taxation agreements with many countries. These agreements aim to prevent you from being taxed twice on the same income. If your country of residence has such an agreement with the UK, you may be able to claim relief.
UK tax laws for non-residents can be complex, and this guide provides a basic understanding. It's always wise to seek professional advice to navigate these laws effectively and meet all your tax obligations. The UK tax year runs from April 6th of one year to April 5th of the next, and you must ensure that your tax affairs are in order within this timeframe.
(Note: The information in this article is current as of May 2023. Tax laws can change, and the latest information should be checked.)
Taxes on Your UK Income If You Are a Non-Resident
If you're living abroad but earning income from the UK, you're typically required to pay tax on that income. This includes various forms of income such as pensions, rental income, savings interest, and wages. However, if you're eligible for a Personal Allowance, you only pay Income Tax on your income above that amount. If not, you pay tax on all your income.
Double Taxation Agreement
The country where you reside may also tax you on your UK income. If your country of residence has a 'double-taxation agreement' with the UK, you can claim tax relief in the UK to avoid being taxed twice.
Exceptions to the Rule
There are certain exceptions where non-residents do not usually pay UK tax. These include the State Pension and interest from UK government securities ('gilts'). If you live abroad and are employed in the UK, your tax is calculated automatically on the days you work in the UK.
Reporting Income to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
You're usually required to send a Self Assessment tax return to HMRC if you rent out property in the UK, work for yourself in the UK, have a pension outside the UK and you were a UK resident in one of the 5 previous tax years, or have other untaxed income.
COVID-19 Considerations
If you're a non-UK resident and were stuck in the UK due to COVID-19 between 5 April 2020 and 5 April 2022, you will not have to pay UK tax on employment income if you earned it between the dates you intended to leave and when you left, and paid tax on it in your home country.
Filing a Self-Assessment Tax Return by Non-Residents
Non-residents cannot use HMRC’s online services to report income. Instead, you must fill in a Self-Assessment tax return and an SA109 form and send them by post, use commercial Self Assessment software that supports SA109 reporting, or get a tax professional to report your UK income for you.
Refunds for Overpayment
If you believe you've overpaid, you can apply for a refund. This might occur if tax is deducted automatically but your total UK income is below your Personal Allowance. To claim a refund, send form R43 to HMRC, or claim the refund in your Self-Assessment tax return if you’re already doing one.
Taxes on your UK Rental Income if you Live Abroad
Rental Income Taxation for Non-Residents
If you rent out a property in the UK, you are required to pay tax on your rental income. If you live abroad for 6 months or more per year, you are classified as a 'non-resident landlord' by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), even if you are a UK resident for tax purposes.
Tax Payment Methods
You have two options for paying tax on your rental income. You can either receive your rent in full and pay tax through Self-Assessment, if HMRC allows you to do this, or you can receive your rent with tax already deducted by your letting agent or tenant.
Receiving Rent in Full
If you prefer to pay tax on your rental income through Self-Assessment, you need to fill in form NRL1i and send it back to HMRC. If your application is approved, HMRC will instruct your letting agent or tenant not to deduct tax from your rent. You will then need to declare your income in your Self-Assessment tax return. However, HMRC will not approve your application if your taxes are not up to date.
Receiving Rent with Tax Deducted
If you choose to receive your rent with tax already deducted, your letting agent or tenant will deduct basic rate tax from your rent (after allowing for any expenses they’ve paid). They will provide you with a certificate at the end of the tax year stating how much tax they’ve deducted. If you do not have a letting agent and your tenant pays you more than £100 a week in rent, they will deduct the tax from their rent payments to you.
Filing Your Tax Return
You are required to declare your rental income in a Self-Assessment tax return unless HMRC tells you not to. You cannot use HMRC’s online services for this. Instead, you need to send your tax return by post, use commercial software, or get help from a professional, like an accountant.
Overpaid Tax by Non-Residents
If your rental income is lower than your Personal Allowance and your letting agent (or tenant) has already deducted basic rate tax on it, you can ask for a refund. To do this, fill in form R43 and send it back to HMRC.
Companies and Trusts
A company is considered a 'non-resident landlord' if it receives income from renting UK property and either its main office or business premises is outside the UK, or it’s incorporated outside the UK. A trust is considered a 'non-resident landlord' if it receives income from renting UK property and all trustees usually live outside the UK. Companies should use form NRL2i and trusts should use form NRL3i to ask HMRC to receive rental income in full.

Selling or Inheriting Assets if You Live Abroad
General Rule for Non-UK Residents
If you're not a UK resident, you usually do not pay Capital Gains Tax if you sell most assets in the UK, nor Inheritance Tax if you inherit assets located in the UK.
Exceptions to the Rule
However, there are certain circumstances where you might be required to pay Capital Gains Tax. These include if you make a gain when you sell property or land in the UK, if the assets you sold were used in a UK branch of a foreign business, or if you used to be a UK resident and you return to the UK within 5 years of leaving.
Inheritance Tax
In terms of Inheritance Tax, you'll only have to pay if you inherited property, money or shares in the UK and the deceased’s estate does not have the money to pay the Inheritance Tax. The normal rules for paying Income Tax apply if you get income from something you’ve inherited, for example, rental income from a UK property.
Non-Resident Inheriting UK Property or Land
If you're a non-resident and you inherit UK property or land, you have to pay tax on any gains you make when you sell it. However, you do not pay tax if you inherit and sell other assets, such as UK shares.
Personal Allowance for You if You Live Abroad
Eligibility for Personal Allowance
You are entitled to a Personal Allowance of tax-free UK income each year if any of the following conditions apply:
You are a British citizen.
You are a citizen of a European Economic Area (EEA) country.
You have worked for the UK government at any time during that tax year.
You might also be eligible for it if it's included in the double-taxation agreement between the UK and the country you live in.
Claiming the Personal Allowance
If you're not a UK resident, you need to claim the Personal Allowance at the end of each tax year in which you have UK income. To do this, you need to send form R43 to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This process ensures that you can benefit from the tax-free allowance on your UK income, even while living abroad.
What If You're Taxed Twice If You Live Abroad?
Double Taxation
If you're living abroad, you may be taxed on your UK income by both the country where you’re resident and by the UK. However, you may not have to pay twice if the country you’re resident in has a ‘double-taxation agreement’ with the UK. Depending on the agreement, you can apply for either partial or full relief before you’ve been taxed, or a refund after you’ve been taxed.
Double-Taxation Agreement
Each double-taxation agreement sets out the country you pay tax in, the country you apply for relief in, and how much tax relief you get. If the tax rates in the two countries are different, you’ll pay the higher rate of tax. It's important to note that the tax year may start on different days in different countries.
Income You Can Claim For
You can claim for income including most pensions, wages and other pay (including self-employment), bank interest, and dividends. Special rules apply for dividends, which HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) explain in section 10 of ‘Residence, Domicile, and the Remittance Basis’.
How to Claim Tax Relief?
To claim tax relief, check HMRC’s ‘Double-taxation digest’ for countries that have an agreement with the UK, and how income like pensions and interest is taxed. You need to look at the relevant tax treaty for the rules on other types of income like wages and rent. Fill in a claim form and send it to the tax authority in the country where you’re resident. They’ll confirm your eligibility and either send the form to HMRC or return it to you to send on.
Capital Gains Tax for Non-Resident
You only pay Capital Gains Tax if you make a gain on UK property or land. You do not pay it on other UK assets, such as UK shares. If you return to the UK after being non-resident, you may have to pay tax on any assets you owned before you left the UK, even if you’ve paid tax on any gains in the country you moved to. You can usually claim double-taxation relief.
Dual Residents
You can be resident in both the UK and another country (‘dual resident’). You’ll need to check the other country’s residence rules and when the tax year starts and ends. HMRC has guidance for how to claim double-taxation relief if you’re a dual resident.
What is the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) and how is it applied to UK Taxes for Non-Residents?
Understanding the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) and Its Application to UK Taxes for Non-Residents
Introduction to the Statutory Residence Test (SRT)
The Statutory Residence Test (SRT) is a critical tool used by the UK government to determine an individual's tax residence status. This status is vital as it dictates whether a person is liable to pay UK taxes on their global income. Introduced in April 2013, the SRT aims to provide clarity and certainty on tax residence matters, replacing previous rules that were considered ambiguous and complex.
Components of the SRT
The SRT is comprised of three distinct parts, each with specific criteria designed to establish a person's tax residence status in the UK:
Automatic Overseas Test: This part of the test is designed to conclusively determine if an individual is not a UK resident for tax purposes. It considers factors such as the amount of time spent in the UK and the individual's situation in terms of work and living arrangements outside the UK.
Automatic UK Test: Conversely, this test aims to establish clear instances when an individual should be considered a UK resident for tax purposes. It includes criteria like the individual's presence in the UK for a significant number of days and whether one's only home is in the UK.
Sufficient Ties Test: For individuals who cannot conclusively be determined as non-residents or residents through the first two tests, the Sufficient Ties Test takes into account the connections they have with the UK. These ties include family, accommodation, work, and the amount of time spent in the UK, as well as whether more days are spent in the UK compared to other countries.
Application of the SRT to Non-Residents
For non-residents, the SRT is a crucial determinant of their tax liabilities in the UK. If an individual is deemed a UK resident under the SRT, they are liable to pay UK taxes on their worldwide income and gains. Conversely, non-residents are only taxed on their UK-sourced income. Understanding and accurately applying the SRT can thus significantly impact an individual's financial and tax planning strategies.
Importance of the SRT for Non-Residents
The significance of the SRT for non-residents cannot be overstated. It affects various aspects of an individual's tax obligations, including:
Income Tax: Non-residents are subject to UK income tax only on their UK-sourced income. However, if the SRT determines them to be UK residents, their global income becomes taxable in the UK.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT): Similar to income tax, CGT liabilities depend on residence status. Non-residents typically pay CGT only on the disposal of UK residential property, but residents are liable on worldwide assets.
Inheritance Tax (IHT): While IHT primarily concerns domiciled individuals, the SRT can influence an individual's deemed domicile status, affecting their IHT exposure on their global estate.
Navigating the SRT
Given its complexity and the significant implications of its outcome, individuals often seek professional advice to navigate the SRT. Understanding the nuances of each test and accurately applying them to one's circumstances requires a thorough knowledge of UK tax laws and regulations. Additionally, the SRT's outcome can be influenced by double taxation agreements, which may override its conclusions under certain circumstances.
The Statutory Residence Test plays a pivotal role in the UK tax system, especially for non-residents. Its comprehensive criteria are designed to bring clarity to the tax residence status of individuals, affecting their UK tax liabilities. As such, a deep understanding of the SRT and its proper application is essential for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of UK taxation, ensuring compliance and optimizing tax obligations. Given its significance, consulting with tax professionals is advisable to accurately assess one's residence status and tax liabilities in the UK.
The Recent Updates on UK Tax Laws for Non-Residents
The recent updates on UK tax laws for non-residents encompass a variety of changes and introductions that impact both the general populace and specific groups. These modifications include alterations in income tax thresholds, statutory pay adjustments, and the introduction of new legislation aimed at enhancing workers' rights and data protection. Here’s an overview of the key updates:
Income Tax Changes
From April 6, the threshold for the additional rate of income tax has been lowered from £150,000 to £125,140, meaning individuals earning above this new threshold are subject to a 45% tax rate. This adjustment is part of a broader approach to tax regulation, ensuring that higher earners contribute a proportionately greater amount. Despite these changes, both the personal allowance and basic rate income tax thresholds remain unchanged, with personal allowances frozen at £12,570 and the basic rate applicable to incomes between £12,571 to £50,270.
Statutory Pay Adjustments
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has increased the rates for several statutory entitlements effective from April 2. This includes statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental, and parental bereavement pay, which has risen from £156.66 per week to £172.48 per week. Additionally, statutory sick pay has seen an increase from £99.35 per week to £109.40 per week, offering enhanced support to individuals during times of need.
Benefits Increase
In line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rate of inflation, inflation-linked benefits and tax credits have been raised by 10.1% from April 2023. This significant uplift means that 10 million working-age families will experience an increase in their benefits, with families on universal credit, on average, seeing an increase of around £600 annually. This adjustment is aimed at providing substantial relief to families navigating the pressures of inflation.
New Legislation and Bills
Several new pieces of legislation are set to impact the UK, including:
Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill: This bill proposes to grant workers the right to request flexible working from their first day of employment, eliminating the current 26-week qualifying period. Employers are required to respond to flexible working requests within two months, enhancing work-life balance and flexibility for employees.
Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill: Aiming to strengthen the protection of women from redundancy during or after pregnancy, this bill extends protection up to six months after returning from maternity leave. It also potentially expands protection for individuals returning from parental or adoption leave.
Carer's Leave Bill: This bill is set to introduce a new entitlement of one week's unpaid leave per year for employees providing unpaid care to family members or friends, recognizing the vital role of carers in society.
Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: With the aim of updating Britain's data protection laws, this bill proposes to expand protections for personal information data, reflecting the evolving digital landscape.
These updates reflect the UK's ongoing efforts to adapt its tax and legal systems to meet the changing needs of its residents and workers, including non-residents who engage with the UK economy. The introduction of new bills and adjustments to tax thresholds and benefits underlines the government's commitment to providing support to its citizens while ensuring fairness in the tax system.

How Can a Tax Accountant Help You with UK Taxation if You are a Non-Resident British?
Taxation, a pivotal part of economic responsibilities, often becomes a complex maze for many individuals, particularly non-residents. For British non-residents, the intricacies of UK taxation can prove daunting due to its multifaceted nature and frequent changes. A professional tax accountant with knowledge of UK taxation can significantly simplify this task. Here, we delve into how a tax accountant can assist non-resident Britons with UK taxation.
Understanding Non-Resident Status and Tax Liabilities
Non-residents are those who spend fewer than 183 days in the UK within a tax year. Although non-residents may be free from certain UK taxes, they may still be liable for others, like rental income or capital gains on the disposal of UK properties. Therefore, understanding one's tax liabilities is the first crucial step in managing UK taxation effectively.
A tax accountant can help you establish your residency status for tax purposes through the UK’s Statutory Residence Test (SRT). They can then clarify what income or gains may be taxable in the UK, based on your personal circumstances and the double tax treaties that the UK has with various countries.
Making Use of Tax Planning Strategies
Tax accountants can also assist in tax planning, which involves developing strategies to minimize tax liabilities. This might include suggestions for structuring investments or disposing of assets in a tax-efficient manner. They can advise on Non-Resident Capital Gains Tax (NRCGT), which non-residents must pay on gains from disposing of UK residential property. They can also guide on the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) related Capital Gains Tax, potentially payable when selling a property owned by a company, partnership, or collective investment scheme.
Assisting with Self-Assessment Tax Returns
Filing self-assessment tax returns can be a complex process for non-residents who still have UK-sourced income. A tax accountant can guide you through this process, ensuring all necessary information is correctly reported and that you pay the correct amount of tax. They can advise on income sources to include in the returns, such as property rental, dividends, or interests. They will also ensure that you take advantage of any available deductions or reliefs to reduce your tax bill.
Navigating Double Taxation Agreements
Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) exist between the UK and numerous countries to prevent individuals from being taxed twice on the same income. Understanding and claiming the benefits from these agreements can be complex. A tax accountant can help navigate these treaties, ensuring you're not overpaying tax in the UK or in your country of residence.
Managing Inheritance Tax
Even non-residents may have to pay UK Inheritance Tax on UK-situated assets, like property or shares in UK companies. A tax accountant can advise on possible strategies to mitigate this tax and ensure compliance with all necessary regulations.
Understanding and managing UK taxation as a non-resident British can be complex due to the intricacies of UK tax laws and potential changes to them. Therefore, seeking assistance from a professional tax accountant who has a solid understanding of these regulations is highly beneficial. They can help you navigate your tax liabilities, devise tax-efficient strategies, file accurate tax returns, and ensure you're not being doubly taxed. By ensuring your tax matters are in order, you can avoid unnecessary stress and potential penalties, while also making the most of your hard-earned money. With their guidance, you can navigate the complexities of UK taxation confidently, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life.
20 FAQs about UK tax laws for non-residents:
Q1: How does UK residency status affect my worldwide income taxation?
A: UK residents are taxed on their worldwide income, while non-residents are taxed only on their UK income. Non-residents need to understand their residency status to determine their UK tax obligations accurately.
Q2: What is the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) and how is it applied?
A: The SRT is a set of rules used to determine an individual's tax residency status in the UK. It considers factors such as the number of days spent in the UK and ties to the country.
Q3: Are non-residents subject to National Insurance contributions in the UK?
A: Non-residents working in the UK may be subject to National Insurance contributions, depending on their employment status and whether they work for a UK employer.
Q4: How are pensions taxed for non-residents?
A: UK pensions received by non-residents are subject to UK tax. However, tax treatment may vary based on double taxation agreements between the UK and the individual's country of residence.
Q5: What is the Non-Resident Landlord Scheme (NRLS) and how does it work?
A: The NRLS is a system for collecting tax on UK rental income earned by non-residents. Landlords can either have tax deducted at source or receive gross rental income and pay tax via Self-Assessment.
Q6: How can I claim the personal allowance as a non-resident?
A: Non-residents from certain countries may be eligible for the UK personal allowance. This requires filing a claim, often through the Self-Assessment tax return or by submitting a specific form to HMRC.
Q7: What are the rules for non-residents selling UK property?
A: Non-residents must pay Capital Gains Tax on the sale of UK property, with specific rules for reporting and paying tax within a set period after the sale.
Q8: Can non-residents use HMRC's online services for tax purposes?
A: Non-residents have limited access to HMRC's online services and must often file tax returns and other documents by post or use commercial software that supports non-resident tax reporting.
Q9: What is the process for non-residents to report UK-sourced income?
A: Non-residents must file a Self-Assessment tax return to report UK-sourced income, including rental income, dividends, and interest, and may need to complete additional forms depending on the income type.
Q10: How does the UK government's response to COVID-19 affect non-residents' tax obligations?
A: Non-residents affected by travel restrictions due to COVID-19 may have exceptions applied to their residency status or tax obligations, but should seek advice for their specific circumstances.
Q11: What income is exempt from UK tax for non-residents?
A: Certain types of income, like the UK State Pension and interest from UK government securities, are generally exempt from UK tax for non-residents.
Q12: How do double taxation agreements impact non-residents?
A: Double taxation agreements may reduce or eliminate UK tax for non-residents on certain types of income, preventing them from being taxed in both the UK and their country of residence.
Q13: What are the deadlines for non-residents to file UK tax returns?
A: The deadlines for filing UK tax returns are the same for non-residents as for residents: October 31 for paper returns and January 31 for online returns following the end of the tax year.
Q14: How can non-residents claim tax relief on UK income?
A: Non-residents can claim tax relief through their tax return or by applying under the terms of a double taxation agreement, depending on the type of income and their country of residence.
Q15: Are non-residents liable for Inheritance Tax on UK assets?
A: Non-residents may be liable for UK Inheritance Tax on UK-situated assets, such as property, even if they are not resident in the UK at the time of death.
Q16: How are investment incomes, such as dividends and interest, taxed for non-residents?
A: Non-residents are taxed on UK-sourced investment incomes, including dividends and interest, with specific rules applying based on the type of investment and any applicable double taxation agreements.
Q17: What are the implications for non-residents working remotely for a UK company?A: Non-residents working remotely for a UK company may have complex tax obligations, depending on their residency status, the location of their work, and the nature of their employment contract.
Q18: How doesthe UK's Automatic Exchange of Information agreements affect non-residents' UK tax reporting obligations?
A: Automatic Exchange of Information agreements between the UK and other countries mean that financial account information is shared between tax authorities, potentially affecting non-residents with financial accounts in the UK.
Q19: How do non-residents pay tax on UK employment income if not under PAYE?
A: Non-residents earning UK employment income not taxed under PAYE must report this income via Self-Assessment and may need to pay tax through this system, depending on their total UK income and tax status.
Q20: What are the consequences of non-compliance with UK tax laws for non-residents?
A: Non-compliance can result in penalties, interest on unpaid taxes, and increased scrutiny from HMRC. It's important for non-residents to understand their UK tax obligations and adhere to filing and payment deadlines to avoid these consequences.